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Sale of Devonshire Street meeting house, Sydney

This page will be updated as more information is received.


The Devonshire Street Meeting House has served Friends for over 120 years, providing a home for an inner-city Quaker Meeting, accommodating travelling Friends, providing a community space for other groups to meet, hosting the AYM Secretary and QSA offices, as well as a swathe of meetinghouse wardens who have overseen this extraordinary hospitality.

The burden of caring for the Meetinghouse began to be expressed as early as 1971. In 2017, the Sydney Light Rail construction in Devonshire Street and on the meetinghouse doorstep for 20 months caused major problems in the use of the building, and in 2020 COVID lockdowns continued these problems. The difficulties of reduced human and financial resources in an environment of increasing need for time and money led the Devonshire Street Local Meeting in 2022 to recommend that the NSW Regional Meeting sell the meetinghouse. (This document outlines a summary of reasons to sell.)

The matter was formally considered at NSW Regional Meetings held in September 2022, and again in February 2023. A final decision to sell the meetinghouse was made at the NSW Regional Meeting held November 2023.

This is a sadness and also an opportunity. It is well to remember that George Fox was convinced that God "dwelleth in the hearts of his obedient people", and that religious experience is not confined to a church building or "steeple house". Fox would just as soon worship in fields and orchards, believing that God's presence could be felt anywhere. We will be living adventurously as we find a new home for the Meeting to be gathered.

Sale Process

A Sale Committee has been established and a real estate agent engaged. The property was put on the market in early May 2024 Interest has been strong, and a number of interested parties are emerging.

The first round of expressions of interest will close in late June, at which time an expanded Sale Committee will review and shortlist interested parties for follow up in a second round of negotiations. The Sale Committee will bring their recommendations to a specially called Regional Meeting for approval before proceeding with the sale.