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Administration Resources

These helpful resources will tell you about Quakers in Australia.

AYM Resources

Handbook of Practice & Procedure in Australia, [7th ed, 2020; Updated March 2024]

  • This document describes the organisational framework of the Society in Australia and contains guidelines on the conduct of the component parts of the Society. The Handbook is under continual revision to reflect changes made through decisions by Yearly Meeting. It is available online as an interactive file and in pdf form.

AYM Rules of the Society

  • This document  explains the rules of the association known as the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia, outlining its organisation, discipline and practice in accordance with our traditions as set out in the Handbook of Practice and Procedure published by the Australia Yearly Meeting and amended by that Meeting from time to time.

Quaker email addresses and website abbreviations

  • A list of the generic email addresses for contacting our Office Bearers, Committees and Meetings in Australia. There is also a list of abbreviated website addresses for going direct to the individual Regional Meeting and National Committee web pages.

Terms and Conditions of This Website

  • The legal statement about the terms and conditions of your use of this website, our privacy restrictions and the use of cookies are important.


Quaker Reading and Research Material


Members-Only Resources

The following information about various aspects of our administration is for Australian Quakers only. These resources are for use by those who attend meeting as a Member or Attender, and are involved in the business of Yearly Meeting.

Electronic Communication Guidelines

Policies and guidelines for administering the website, the membership database, email addresses, social media and the use of Zoom meeting software.

Yearly Meeting, AGM and Standing Committee Resources

The list of AYM office bearers and representatives, the minutes of Yearly Meetings, Standing Committees, AGMs, Documents in Advance and Documents in Retrospect for Yearly Meeting, and the Yearly Meeting Planning Manual.

Regional Meeting Resources

Information for Regional Meetings: assistance for Regional Meeting Treasurers, a List of Regional Meeting Office Bearers, information about transferring membership, resources for marriage and commitment ceremonies and preparing a testimony.

Additional Resources

Useful resources for Children & Junior Young Friends, and for Meetings held for Enquirers.