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Ages up to 11

Rejoice in the presence of children and young people in your Meeting and recognise the gifts they bring. Remember that the Meeting as a whole shared a responsibility for every child in its care. Seek for them, as for yourself a full development of God's gifts and the abundant life Jesus tells us can be ours. How do you share your deepest beliefs with them, while leaving them free to develop as the spirit of God may lead them? Do you invite them to share their insights with you? Are you ready both to learn from them and to accept your responsibilities towards them? - Advices & Queries 19

Children are encouraged to participate in Meeting for Worship and in Quaker life in many different ways. Some meetings will have arrangements for children to be present for 10 or 15 minutes at the beginning or end of the Meeting and then spend the rest of the time in a Children's Meeting where there will be discussions and activities.


We publish newsletters for and about children and Junior Young Friends in Australia.

Read our February/March 2021 newsletter here.

Children's meetings

Ideas, programs and resources to support the running of children's meetings and to support children in developing their spirituality are being developed and be found on the Resources section of this website. 

Get in touch

If you want to find children near you, contact your local meeting, or email the Children and JYF coordinators. 
