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International Publications

There are numerous publications by Friends, about Friends, from around the world. This is a short-list of titles that may be helpful in learning about Quakers and Quaker beliefs. Information about purchasing these titles can be obtained by following the book title links.
- The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction [Ben Pink Dandelion (UK), 2008, 142 pages]. This small-sized, concise book encompasses Quaker history, thought, belief, worship and development around the world.
- An Introduction to Quakerism [Ben Pink Dandelion (UK), 2007, 277 pages]. After looking at the early history of Quakerism, the book examines how Quakerism developed theologically with its spread to different parts of the world.
- New Light: 12 Quaker Voices [Jennifer Kavanagh (UK), 2009, 224 pages]. Twelve Friends each give their understanding of a range of topics, demonstrating that Quakers follow a wide-ranging way that embraces maximum spirituality with minimum religion.
- Silence and Witness: the Quaker tradition [Michael Birkel, 2004, 144 pages] An introduction to Quaker thought and spiritual life by a Professor of Religion at Earlham College (USA).
- A Quaker Book of Wisdom: Life Lessons In Simplicity, Service, And Common Sense by Robert Lawrence Smith from the USA, [published by Eagle Brook, New York, c1998].
- Encounter with Silence (by John Punshon 1987, pp.) written by a Friend steeped in the traditions of both the un-programmed style of Quakerism in Britain and Australia and the programmed Meetings common in America and Africa.
- Quakers in brief or Quakerism made easy (An over-view of the Quaker movement from 1650 to 1990) [David M Murray-Rust Birkenhead Meeting, Merseyside, UK 1995] can be downloaded as a pdf.
- George Fox's Journal with a study guide is available online. George Fox was the itinerant preacher who first called together those who were to become the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
- A Light That is Shining [Harvey Gillman (UK), 1988, 101 pages]. Although written some time ago, this is still a standard introduction to Quakerism.