Junior Young Friends

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Junior Young Friends

Junior Young Friends - aged 12 to 17

Junior Young Friends (JYFs) are young Quakers aged between 12 and 17. We gather a couple of times during the year, at Summer Gathering and Yearly Meeting.

During COVID-19 we have had a go at gathering online, but are finding it hard because we are spending so much time online already with school.

If you want to find JYFs near you, contact your local meeting, or email the Children and JYF coordinators.

New! For JYFs: starting December 4, there will be Jackbox Games over Zoom on the first Sunday of each month in the evening. To register (and receive link), email nowmovie@icloud.com. Questions? Contact Tina Bell.


We publish newsletters for and about children and Junior Young Friends in Australia. Visit our committee page to read the latest news.