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Annual Bike Ride

28 July, 2024

The annual bike ride to the International Peace Forest or Peace Park in Berriedale will be happening again on Sunday 28 July. Whilst the ride is led by Peter Jones and the Children's Meeting, all Friends are welcome. We go with the intention of planting trees to remember and give thanks for the lives of Friends who have died over the last year.
The cyclists will gather at the Meeting House and leave soon after 10am. They will ride down to the Intercity cycle way, near the New Town Station Nursery, Bell St. We are always happy to meet other Friends on the way as we continue on the bike track until we cross Berriedale Rd and arrive at the Peace Park. If you want to join on the way, you might like to let Sally McGushin know and then she can text you to confirm when the party sets off from the Meeting House to give you an idea of timing. But it is fine to pick us up on spec.
The cyclists should all be at the Peace Park by 11am and some will have arrived much earlier.
Other Friends, who want to participate might like to drive down after Meeting for Worship. The Park runs along Chardonnay Drive in Berriedale. It was started by our late Friend, Eve Masterman, after the International Year for Peace, 1986. It was essentially a waste land adjacent to the redundant passenger line. Now it is quite a forest and includes an Aboriginal Elders Memorial Garden.
There is plenty of parking along Chardonnay Drive, and if you have room for a spade , please put it in the car. Also, there is not much seating available at the park, so you might like to bring a chair for yourself. In addition we usually bring some morning tea to share. And if you have a thermos and a couple of spare cups, that will be very well received.
The weather would have to be extreme for us to cancel; I think that has only happened once. It looks like it will be a cool day but if you come prepared to rug up well, it should be a good day.
Feel free to ask me any questions about this event:
Sally McGushin: 62789149 / 0456 600 287 /

The Meeting House
5 Boa Vista Road
Hobart TAS 7000
Sally McGushin