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New public statement and letter to Prime Minister

Our new Presiding Clerk Bruce Henry has signed a public statement and a letter to the Albanese Government holding them accountable to their pre-election commitments.

The statement and letter go on to say:

"We affirm the importance of taking the time to listen to each other, consider all points of view, and cooperate in finding ways forward in difficult situations. As citizens, our aim is to enable the Government to arrive at constructive policies that advance peace, human rights, justice, and survival of the planet and its biodiversity.

As a faith community, grounded in removing the occasions for violence and injustice, we seek a polity founded on mutual respect, principles of democracy and compassionate justice. We are heartened by several actions of the new Australian Government.

In affirming the Uluru Statement of the Heart and re-committing to reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the Government has signalled a long-awaited return to listening to Indigenous people, and acting on their knowledge and recommendations."

Read the full letter here.

Read the full public statement here.

Image: Red Ochre Cove, Mandy Martin, 1987, Parliament House.

Last modified: 
Monday, 11 July 2022 - 9:57pm