Nominations Committee

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Nominations Committee

discerns the names of people thought suitable for various offices and committees within the Society and recommends them to the Annual Meeting.


The Nominations Committee discerns the names of people thought suitable for various offices and committees within the Society. Those who are to be named are consulted first by the Nominations Committee to ensure they are willing and able to serve. In the case of hosted committees, the Nominations Committee will check whether a particular Regional Meeting is willing to host, and will consult about the proposed membership.
These names are then brought before Yearly Meeting or Standing Committee for decisions on appointments. Most appointments are for three years in the first instance, and may be extended.
The Nominations Committee consists of eight members - a Friend from each Regional Meeting and a Young Friend. Lists of current appointments are issued by the Australia Yearly Meeting Secretary (in consultation with the Nominations Committee) and circulated throughout the Society. Anyone within the Society can put forward a name for consideration for a vacant position, usually through their Regional Meeting representative or the convener of the Nominations Committee.