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QADO Launch

For many years, Quakers Australia has operated a membership directory based on SalesForce. It has a low monetary cost, but it has not served our needs well. For example, only a very limited number of people could access it.

Since 2022, the IT Committee has been developing an alternative. We are now launching our new directory. We have named it QADO: Quakers Australia Directory Online (pronounced “kwardo”).

After some testing and proving, QADO is now ready for you to use. We know there are some deficiencies in its data. We will be very happy to receive your feedback in order to make QADO better for its upcoming role as our primary membership directory.



What is QADO?

QADO is an online database containing details of all Members and Friends known to Quakers Australia.

One of QADO’s strengths is that all Friends will be able to use it to view and update their own details, as well as accessing information about Quakers Australia.

QADO has the following features:

Your profile

For the first time, Friends will be able to update their own personal details online.

Find a Friend

QADO will also feed to FindaFriend. Your updated information is what will feed FindaFriend. In your profile, you are invited to put a photo of yourself, to help others be reminded of your appearance. We encourage you to do this.

Some people have good reason to prefer that some of their information is not visible in FindaFriend. QADO allows you to control which of your information is visible. FindaFriend is only visible to other logged-in Quakers; it is not visible publicly. Many modest Quakers think that their photo does not need to be viewed by others. You can choose to make your photo not visible, although we hope few will see it that way.

We also know that some Friends will not go near QADO, and will not check or edit their own profile–not lovers of computers. Fortunately, your Membership Secretary can update your information and correct any deficiencies for you.

Find a Meeting

Coming soon: QADO also contains a directory of basic information about our Meetings.

Using QADO

Separate log-in to QADO

We have not yet worked on getting QADO under the same log-in as the website. It is separate software, and has a separate log-in. You will need to log-in as part of preserving the confidentiality of our information. Only people who are listed in QADO can log into QADO.

Log in using your normal email address. The first time you log-in you will need to create a password. We encourage you to use the same password as you use for the website (hoping it is a strong password!). This will simplify your future uses of QADO.

Help with using QADO

We have written a help document about using QADO. You can read it by clicking here: Using QADO (for everyone).

For Friends who have other roles with QADO (Membership Secretaries, Publication Distributors), you can find a suite of help documents in this folder: QADO Membership Directory Help Docs. Feedback on these documents is welcomed [email].

To check your profile

After logging in to QADO, we encourage you to go and check your “My profile”. It is likely to be incomplete. We hope you’ll find it intuitive to update it, and to add a photo to it. By making your information correct and complete, you will enable your Meeting’s office-holders to contact you and stay in touch more effectively. There are other benefits. We hope you'll add a photo of yourself, which helps others remind themselves which face is yours!

Old FindaFriend–new FindaFriend

There are now two versions of FindaFriend (FaF). The one which has been there for several years, using SalesForce data; and the new one using QADO data.

Generally, for now the old one will be more reliable. As more Friends update their QADO information, the new one will become the better source of information.

Here is a link to each FaF:

Project Status

QADO is now available to all Friends who have a log-in account for this website.

The project timeline is as follows:

  • Stage 1 (2023-2024): Design and build (✅ done)
  • Stage 2 (June 2024): Preview for Friends (✅ done)
  • Stage 3 (Late 2024): Feedback process and data integrity checks (⬅️ we are here)
  • Stage 4: Replace Find a Friend and other website features powered by SalesForce with QADO
  • Stage 5: Close SalesForce account

This page will be updated as the project progresses. This page was last updated in May 2024.