Information Technology Committee

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Office Bearer roles

Membership Secretary and Website Coordinator roles

(as adopted at the IT Committee meeting on 6 August 2018)


AYM Membership Secretary

The AYM (Salesforce) database contains details of Meetings, Members and Attenders (including children), together with other organisations and individuals who may be on our mailing list(s).

The AYM Membership Secretary is responsible for:

  • The technical aspects of the database to ensure it runs smoothly.

  • Training and assisting the RM Membership Secretaries in the use of the database.

  • Liaising with our professional Web Developer where there are alterations or additions needed which are beyond the Membership Secretary’s experience and/or abilities.

  • Developing ideas for future expansions of the database and use of the database.

The AYM Membership Secretary is not responsible for the content of the database, which is the responsibility of the RM Membership Secretaries.

The AYM Membership Secretary is automatically a member of the IT Committee


AYM Website Coordinator

AYM has two principal websites – for inquirers and for more in-depth information.

The AYM Website Coordinator is responsible for:

  • The technical aspects of the AYM websites to ensure they remain in good condition and function as they should.

  • Training and assisting the RM and AYM Committee Web Maintainers, the AYM Secretary and others in updating and extending the websites.

  • Liaising with our professional Web Developer where there are alterations or additions needed which are beyond the Website Coordinator’s experience and/or abilities.

The AYM Website Coordinator is not responsible for the content of the websites, which is the responsibility of the various Web Maintainers.

The AYM Website Coordinator is automatically a member of the IT Committee