Home Groups

Home Groups

Connecting with others is a joy of Yearly Meetings. We love getting together, meeting people from other places, sharing our lives and how our communities are going, and talking about matters that deeply concern us. Building bonds in a smallish group that remains consistent during Yearly Meeting can be a lovely way of doing this. We can make new friendships and strengthen old ones.

Home groups are a tried and true way of enhancing our fellowship and sense of community. Home groups have long been integral to Quaker gatherings worldwide, though we have only recently started including them in our Yearly Meetings again. Home groups were enjoyed by many Friends at YM22 and YM23.  We are offering them again as part of YM24.

We hope all who attend will bring a willingness to listen to others and share from their own experience.

In Adelaide, there will be in-person home groups meeting in shacks. Online participants in geographically diverse locations will meet in their home groups by Zoom.

We plan to contact all Friends in Home Groups with your groupings in early July, before Yearly Meeting begins.

Curious about how Home Groups work? Please see this Suggestions document for guidance on what to do and ideas for worship sharing or discussion topics.

Any questions? You might find the answer in this revised FAQs document (Word) or FAQs document (PDF). More questions?

Please contact us:
Kerstin Reimers kerstin7reimers@gmail.com
and Isaac Brady isaac.braady@gmail.com

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