How to register for YM24

Registering for YM24

Register for Yearly Meeting 2024 by going:  here

Get involved early, help us plan and stay informed.
Why register early? This helps us plan and connect with you. To reserve accommodation in Adelaide, you need to register early. 

Get involved early!
You might be surprised how much organising is going on!  There are lots of moving parts to a Yearly Meeting with a large number of Friends involved.

Many Friends offer a Friendly School or a Share and Tell and begin planning early.  National committees will hold Preparatory Sessions and Information Sessions.  Regional Meetings and some online Meetings for Worship will offer an Epilogue and provide Elders and Pastoral Carers.  You might offer to help by being on the Help Desk in Adelaide, the Help phone or a Zoom host online. Many people who support events gather early to learn what is needed and build skills.  Registering early helps us identify you and connect you to an organising group.

We are exploring how Home Groups can be offered for this on-ground and online Yearly Meeting. This is a wonderful way to make new friends and be part of a small group sharing thoughts as events unfold.  Everyone who wants to be in a Home Group needs to be allocated to one. When you register, you can let us know if you would like to be in a Home Group.

Registering and telling us how you would like to be part of Yearly Meeting helps the organising committee to plan well and create a rich, spirit-led, exciting Yearly Meeting for all. 

Stay informed!
Registering for Yearly Meeting early also means you will be included when we send out updates by email. You will hear when to register for your Friendly School and be advised when the Share and Tells sessions have been added to the timetable. 

Register for Yearly Meeting 2024:  here

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I am attending online. Why does the registration form ask for a $50 contribution?
We suggest a contribution of $50, if you are able. This is the same as last year. Having you join us at Yearly Meeting is more important than whether you can make a contribution. Please register now and, if you are able, make a contribution later (bank account setails to be advised).  

Online attendance is free for: 
- children and young people up to 17 years (Junior Young Friends - JYFs)
- invited visitors
- international people
- First Timers
- those dropping in for just a few sessions including the Backhouse lecture.

Yearly Meeting 2022 and 2023 were held online and incurred direct costs of nearly $5,000. These included: tech software and licences; the Help Desk phone; catering for the Clerking Team; and flights, accommodation and meals for the Assistant Clerk who travelled to Perth to work closely with the Clerking Team.  

Register for Yearly Meeting 2024 by going:  here

Payment details

Please deposit payment at
Details will be provided once you have registered.


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