Yearly Meeting 2024 in July

Yearly Meeting 2024: 






Welcome to the YM24 home page!  We are excited to invite you to our national gathering from Saturday 6th July to Saturday 13th July, close to Adelaide at the West Beach Parks complex, near the foreshore at West Beach. It will be a hybrid event combining in-person and online gatherings.

One of the joys of Yearly Meeting is making new friends and catching up with old friends. There will be many opportunities for social time, as well as Friendly School and Share & Tell workshops, and business sessions. When the timetable is available, you will be able to find it here.

How can I find out more about YM24 in July?
Go to the list on the left hand side of this page to find out more about Yearly Meeting 2024. Just click on a subject and you will learn more!  For instance:

  • Click on "News & Help Desk" for a quick summary of the latest information and details of who to contact for different aspects of the Yearly Meeting organisation
  • Click on "YM24 in Adelaide" to find out about the venue, accommodation, meals and travel.
  • Click on "YM24 Programs" to find out about the Backhouse Lecture, the Children & JYFs program, Epilogues, Friendly School, Home Groups and Share & Tell sessions. You will also find information on YM24 Elders, YM24 Pastoral Carers and YM25 Planning


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How to register for YM24

Registering for YM24

Register for Yearly Meeting 2024 by going:  here

Get involved early, help us plan and stay informed.
Why register early? This helps us plan and connect with you. To reserve accommodation in Adelaide, you need to register early. 

Get involved early!
You might be surprised how much organising is going on!  There are lots of moving parts to a Yearly Meeting with a large number of Friends involved.

Many Friends offer a Friendly School or a Share and Tell and begin planning early.  National committees will hold Preparatory Sessions and Information Sessions.  Regional Meetings and some online Meetings for Worship will offer an Epilogue and provide Elders and Pastoral Carers.  You might offer to help by being on the Help Desk in Adelaide, the Help phone or a Zoom host online. Many people who support events gather early to learn what is needed and build skills.  Registering early helps us identify you and connect you to an organising group.

We are exploring how Home Groups can be offered for this on-ground and online Yearly Meeting. This is a wonderful way to make new friends and be part of a small group sharing thoughts as events unfold.  Everyone who wants to be in a Home Group needs to be allocated to one. When you register, you can let us know if you would like to be in a Home Group.

Registering and telling us how you would like to be part of Yearly Meeting helps the organising committee to plan well and create a rich, spirit-led, exciting Yearly Meeting for all. 

Stay informed!
Registering for Yearly Meeting early also means you will be included when we send out updates by email. You will hear when to register for your Friendly School and be advised when the Share and Tells sessions have been added to the timetable. 

Register for Yearly Meeting 2024:  here

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I am attending online. Why does the registration form ask for a $50 contribution?
We suggest a contribution of $50, if you are able. This is the same as last year. Having you join us at Yearly Meeting is more important than whether you can make a contribution. Please register now and, if you are able, make a contribution later (bank account setails to be advised).  

Online attendance is free for: 
- children and young people up to 17 years (Junior Young Friends - JYFs)
- invited visitors
- international people
- First Timers
- those dropping in for just a few sessions including the Backhouse lecture.

Yearly Meeting 2022 and 2023 were held online and incurred direct costs of nearly $5,000. These included: tech software and licences; the Help Desk phone; catering for the Clerking Team; and flights, accommodation and meals for the Assistant Clerk who travelled to Perth to work closely with the Clerking Team.  

Register for Yearly Meeting 2024 by going:  here

Payment details

Please deposit payment at
Details will be provided once you have registered.


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News & Help Desk

News & Help Desk

As information becomes available, you will be able to find answers here to some frequently asked questions. 

How can I register for Yearly Meeting in July?
Complete the online registration form now by going:  here

Where is the July 2024 timetable?
You can view the draft timetable hereCheck the timetable frequently as it is evolving.
(The timetable will open in Australian Eastern Standard Time. Just under the date at the top, you can alter the time zone to match the way you will attend Yearly Meeting. Select "Adelaide" or if planning to join online only, select your local time zone).

How can I contact the organisers of Yearly Meeting in July 2024?
Scroll down for the contact details of the Yearly Meeting Organising Committee, the local SANTRM organisers, and others organising particular aspects of YM24. 

Who is giving the Backhouse Lecture this year and what is it about?
Jackie Leach Scully will talk about disability, and what disability, difference and normality mean for Friends in the 21st century.

Who is giving the State of the Society address this year?
Bev Polzin (VRM) will give the address this year.

What are the Friendly School topics this year? 
For a list of the workshops being offered go to the side bar on the left, select "YM24 Program" then select "Friendly School".

What are the Share & Tell topics this year?
When available, you will be able to see the list on the website by going to the link here.  

Is there a program for the children and JYFs? 
Yes!  Find out more by clicking on "YM24 Programs" then "Children & JYFs".  Information will be added when available.

I'm new to Quakers, how can I find out more about Yearly Meeting?
We encourage you to talk with Friends in your local meeting or worshipping group.  This is the best way to hear stories and learn how to get involved.  If you already know enough to be interested in attending Yearly Meeting then, when the registration form is available, you will be able to register for YM24 by going to the link here. 

Who is on the Yearly Meeting Organising Committee?
Clint de Young (co-convenor, WARM), David Tehr (WARM), Drew Thomas (TRM), Harald Ehmann (SANTRM), Jo Jordan (SANTRM), Topsy Evans (SANTRM) and Vidya (co-convenor, CRQ).        

How can I contact the Yearly Meeting Organising Committee?
Contact the co-convenors, Vidya and Clint de Young at 
Contact the SANTRM local organisers: Jo Jordan, Harald Ehmann and Topsy Evans via Jo Jordan at

For particular issues:
Accommodation in Adelaide:  Jo Jordan at
Children's program:  Jo Jordan at
Friendly School:   David Evans at
Home Groups:   Kerstin Reimers at 
JYFs program:   Jo Jordan at
Meals in Adelaide:   Jo Jordan at
Online attendance and technology:
Prep & Info Sessions:
Share & Tells:
Travel to Adelaide:   Jo Jordan at
Travel within Adelaide:   Jo Jordan at
Zoom-Tech host coordination:
YM24 Elders:
YM24 Pastoral Carers:
YM25 planning:

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Help Desk during Yearly Meeting in July 2024
Once Yearly Meeting starts, you will be able to get help by:

  • visiting, texting or phoning the Help Desk 
  • joining your Home Group 
  • texting for Zoom Help  
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YM24 Timetable

YM24 timetable

You can view the Yearly Meeting 2024 timetable here.

The timetable will evolve, so check it whenever you are planning. 

Using the timetable:   

  • When you open the timetable, check you are looking at early July.  If not, scroll until you reach Saturday 6th July. This is quickest if you are on a "month" display.
  • To change the display to a few days at a time, a week etc -- go to the top left corner to the drop-down list -- you can select display by the "day", "week" or "month". With a "day" display you can select one, two or three days. Try out "two weeks" -- many people find this a useful view.
  • Adjust the time zone to the way you will be attending Yearly Meeting 2024. Near the top of the calendar is the date in large font, and below this you can click on the time zone and select the one you want. If you are planning to go to the venue in Adelaide, select "Adelaide" then "ok". If you are planning to attend online only, select your local time zone. 
  • Learn more about each session by clicking on the session and reading the notes "What is this?" or "Who is this for?".  
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YM24 in Adelaide

YM24 in Adelaide

Yearly Meeting 2024 will be held from Saturday 6th July to Saturday 13th July close to Adelaide at the West Beach Parks complex, near the foreshore at West Beach. This was the site of Yearly Meeting 2017. It will be a hybrid event combining in-person and online gatherings.

The main meeting venue will be at the headquarters of SA Sea Rescue on Barcoo Rd, West Beach. Formal sessions will be held at this venue.

A range of smaller spaces for meetings, Share and Tell sessions and Friendly Schools, will be in the lounge areas of the accommodation units at The Retreat nearby. 

The Seadragon and Spinifex Shacks at The Retreat have been booked for Friends attending Yearly Meeting. These are comfortable, air-conditioned small houses with wi-fi and well-equipped kitchens, suitable for self-catering.  Friends can request single or shared bedroom accommodation. Four of the Shacks are wheelchair accessible.  

A range of alternative, budget style accommodation is available for Friends to book for yourself at the Big 4 West Beach Parks Caravan Park which is 800 metres from The Retreat. The Caravan Park offers a range of accommodation including cabins and caravans. Please book early because YM24 takes place during school holidays and this is a popular venue.

For those who choose to make their own arrangements with accommodation, there is a bus connecting the CBD with The Retreat. For seniors, bus travel is free or at a concession rate in Adelaide.  For interstate visitors, access to travel at Seniors rates needs to be organised in advance. 

Packed lunches for $12 will be available to be picked up from a central point. Dinner at the Westward Ho Golf Club will be a vegetarian main course and dessert for $35.  The shacks have well-equipped kitchens, so Friends can choose to self-cater.  Harbour Town, a large shopping complex, is a five-minute drive from The Retreat and daily deliveries may be possible.

Children's activities
The Pool Side Function Room has been booked for activities for young children and their carers. It is close to a play ground with a large jumping pillow.

Junior Young Friends (JYFs)
Two Sand Dune shacks at the Retreat, adjacent to an adventure play ground, have been reserved for the daytime use of Junior Young Friends and their carers. However, a camp offsite during Yearly Meeting may be possible. Please contact the SANTRM Clerk if you are interested in being involved in a JYF camp or working with the JYFs during YM24.

How much will it cost?
You will be advised of the costs of registration, accommodation and meals on the registration form.

Keep watching this page for updates.

Contact the Yearly Meeting Organising Committee for more information:

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Yearly Meeting 2024 will be held from Saturday 6th July to Saturday 13th July in Adelaide at the West Beach Parks complex, near the foreshore at West Beach, SA. This was the site of Yearly Meeting 2017. It will be a hybrid event combining in-person and online gatherings.

The main meeting venue will be at the headquarters of SA Sea Rescue on Barcoo Rd, West Beach. Formal sessions will be held at this venue.

A range of smaller spaces, for meetings, Share and Tell sessions and Friendly Schools, will be in the lounge areas of the accommodation units at The Retreat nearby. 

Activities for children under 11 years will be at the Poolside Room of the Retreat. It is close to a play ground with a large jumping pillow. A Children’s Program is being planned.

Two Sand Dune shacks at the Retreat, adjacent to an adventure play ground, have been reserved for the daytime use of Junior Young Friends. A camp offsite during Yearly Meeting may be possible. Please contact the SANTRM Clerk if you are interested in being involved in a JYF camp or working with the JYFs during YM24.

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Onsite at The Retreat
The Seadragon and Spinifex Shacks at The Retreat, close to the meeting venue, have been booked for Friends attending Yearly Meeting 2024. These are comfortable, air-conditioned small houses with wi-fi and well-equipped kitchens, suitable for self-catering.  Harbour Town, a large shopping complex, is a five-minute drive from The Retreat and daily deliveries may be possible.  You can request single or shared bedroom accommodation. Four of the shacks are wheelchair accessible.  

You will be advised of the costs of onsite accommodation and meals on the YM24 registration form. Keep watching this site for updates.

What are the alternatives?
A range of alternative, budget style accommodation is available for Friends to book for themselves at the Big 4 West Beach Parks Caravan Park which is 800 metres from The Retreat. The Big 4 Caravan Park offers a range of accommodation including cabins, eco-tents, and powered sites for caravans. Please book early because YM24 takes place during school holidays and this is a popular venue.

Travel within Adelaide
There is a bus connecting The Retreat with the shopping complex at Harbour Town, the airport and the Adelaide CBD.

For seniors, bus travel is free or at a concession rate in Adelaide.  For interstate visitors, access to travel at Seniors rates needs to be organised in advance.

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Meals and Refreshments

Morning and afternoon teas will be provided at the meeting venue. For main meals, you can choose to self-cater or you can register for a packed lunch at the venue and for dinner at the Golf Club nearby. 

Friends are asked to organise your own breakfast. 

Morning and afternoon teas
Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be available at the meeting venue. The cost is covered by your day registration.  

Lunch will be a vegetarian sandwich/roll for $12.  Lunch can be vegan, gluten-free and/or suitable for diabetics. Friends with less usual diets will need to self-cater. There will be a central lunch collection point.

The Westward Ho Golf Club, near the meeting venue, will provide a vegetarian main course and dessert for $35. Dinner options can be vegan, gluten free and/or suitable for diabetics.  Friends with less usual diets will need to self-cater. 

Self-catering onsite
The shacks at The Retreat have well-equipped kitchens so you can choose to self-cater. Harbour Town, a large shopping complex, is a five-minute drive from The Retreat and daily deliveries may be possible.

Children and JYFs
Children and young people up to 17 years attending Yearly Meeting will receive lunches and dinners free.


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Travel to Adelaide


Travel to Adelaide
Watch this space for information about travel to Adelaide for Yearly Meeting 2024.

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Travel within Adelaide


Travel to Adelaide
Watch this space for information about travel to Adelaide for Yearly Meeting 2024.

Travel within Adelaide
There is a bus connecting the Adelaide CBD with The Retreat, next to the YM24 venue.

South Australian Seniors Card members can travel free on Adelaide Metro buses, trains and trams at all times.

For interstate seniors, bus travel in Adelaide can be free for 14 days in a row between 9 am and 3 pm and after 7 pm Monday-Friday and at all times on the weekend. To get your temporary seniors ticket for the Adelaide Metro, you can visit one of several locations in Adelaide and present your interstate seniors card. These locations include the Adelaide Railway Station, in the city at 25 Pirie Street, and near the airport at Glenelg. 

Interstate seniors can buy a concession Metro card for the peak times (7 am to 9 am and 3 pm to 7 pm Monday-Friday), from one of the many Metro card agent locations in Adelaide.

Alternatively, interstate seniors can order a concession Metro card online before you come to South Australia and it will be posted to you. Make sure you organise this at least two weeks before you travel to allow time for processing and posting to your interstate address.

For more information on places to get a temporary seniors Metro card for free travel, locations to buy a concession Metro card for travel during peak times, and for a link to the form to apply for a concession Metro card in advance, go here:

You can no longer pay with cash when you catch a bus, train or tram in Adelaide. You will need to get a Metro card before catching public transport.  Another option on some buses, trains and trams will be to pay full fare using "tap and pay" with your bank card.


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YM24 Online

Yearly Meeting 2024 will be held near Adelaide and online.

To see the daily schedule of sessions, go to the YM Timetable.

Zoom links for online sessions are available on the Timetable in the "What is this?" event notes.

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YM24 Program

YM24 Program

In this section you will find information about the programs and activities during Yearly Meeting 2024.

On the listing, click on the activity you are interested in to learn more.

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Backhouse Lecture

Backhouse Lecture

Jackie Leach Scully will talk on "God’s ways, not our ways: a dissident Quaker response to disability".  The Backhouse lecture is open to the public, so we encourage you to publicise this event and invite interested family and friends.

Monday 8 July 2024 at 8 pm (Sydney), 7:30 pm (Adelaide)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 852 3292 0712

Jackie asks the question: What might disability, difference and normality mean for Friends in the 21st century?

This is a particularly crucial question today, because for the first time in human history we are developing ways to control what kind of disabilities enter into life, and which don’t. It just isn’t possible to do this responsibly if we haven’t engaged in depth with the spiritual as well as social, moral and political meanings of disability and people with disability.

Until recently, disability has most commonly been approached as a medical problem requiring a medical solution. Over the last half-century an alternative view takes disability as a form of difference where the problem (if there is one) is the mismatch between unusual bodies and the way society is organised. We’re also more aware of disability as an issue of justice and human rights. But none of these perspectives pays much attention to the spiritual encounter with impairment and disability.

In this lecture, Jackie works from personal experience and her professional background as a bioethicist to explore how Friends are called to respond to disability and impairment. She says, as well as taking a look at traditional and contemporary theological engagement with disability and illness, I use the lens of Quaker testimony to offer new light on issues like embodiment, vulnerability and community. I want us to consider how to “think dissidently” as we go about building a world more inclusive of all kinds of difference and diversity.

Jackie Leach Scully is an active Quaker and a previous Swarthmore Lecturer (2002) to Britain Yearly Meeting. With an initial training in biological sciences, she is now resident in Australia and Professor of Bioethics at the University of NSW. She conducts research into how people with disability engage with medical and healthcare innovations. She has been a disability activist for over thirty years.

The Backhouse lectures are delivered annually at Yearly Meeting, the national gathering of Quakers in Australia. These are public lectures on a contemporary issue. Friends from Australia and overseas present these lectures. 

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Children and JYFs

Children and JYFs

Yearly Meeting 2024 will be held from Saturday 6th July to Saturday 13th July close to Adelaide at the West Beach Parks complex, near the foreshore at West Beach.

Activities for children under 11 years will be at the Poolside Room of the Retreat. It is close to a play ground with a large jumping pillow. A Children’s Program is being planned.

Two Sand Dune shacks at the Retreat, adjacent to an adventure play ground, have been reserved for the daytime use of Junior Young Friends. A camp offsite during Yearly Meeting may be possible.  If you are interested in being involved in a JYF camp or working with the JYFs during YM24, please contact the SANTRM Clerk, Jo Jordan on

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Epilogue is at the end of our day.  It is a short worshipful gathering when we wrap up the busy day and settle.

Epilogue incorporates more than just silent worship. It is often programed with music, poetry, an invitation to share something from your day, or a creative activity.

Each epilogue is led by Friends from amongst us, usually a Regional Meeting or an online Meeting for Worship. 

Schedule of YM24 Epilogues 

Sat 6th July, 9:15 pm ACST     WARM

Sun 7th July, 9:15 pm ACST     SANTRM

Mon 8th July, 9:15 pm ACST   (there will be no Epilogue as this will be after the Backhouse Lecture)

Tues 9th July, 9:15 pm ACST    CRQ

Wed 10th July, 9:15 pm ACST   NSWRM

Thurs 11th July, 9:15 pm ACST   VRM

Fri 12th July, 9:15 pm ACST       QRM

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Friendly School

Friendly Schools Mobile Friendly Version

Friendly School on Sunday 7 July

Gathering in Adelaide? REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN!  More information below.
Joining online? We have a program of online Share & Tells for you in the afternoon and one all-day Friendly School.  Keep reading to find out more.

What is Friendly School?   
Friends from around Australia offer workshops on a theme. The theme is explored in a variety of ways such as spiritual writings or practices, creative writing, poetry, social justice issues, Earthcare, Indigenous concerns, and so on. For many, it is a highlight of Yearly Meeting to gather for a day with Friends exploring the same interest.

YM24 theme:  Quakers in times of conflict and change
It is 400 years since George Fox’s birth and we are living in times of conflict and change. What are our sources of nourishment and strength? How do we live our lives?  

Are you joining online?
You can choose among several Share & Tell sessions in the afternoon after your local Meeting for Worship. There is also one all-day Friendly School that is being offered online as well as at the venue (hybrid).

Here are the online offerings for Sunday 7 July:

Sue Ennis and Di Bretherton, Reflection on Quaker Funding Groups and Quaker Applicants 
10:30 am AEST, 10 am Adelaide, 8:30 am Perth.
This Friendly School is being offered at the venue in Adelaide and online (hybrid).
It will run all day with breaks for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea to coincide with the schedule in Adelaide. 
Zoom link details: Australia Yearly Meeting #01  

Australia Yearly Meeting #01 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Sue Ennis Friendly School 
Meeting ID: 841 3067 8201
One tap mobile
+61871501149,,84130678201# Australia
+61280156011,,84130678201# Australia
Dial by your location
Find your local number:


Michael Griffith, "Within listening distance of the silence we call God."
How does poetry open us to the sacred?
1:30 pm AEST, 1 pm Adelaide, 11:30 am Perth.
This online Share & Tell will go for two hours.
Zoom link details: Australia Yearly Meeting #02
Meeting ID: 318 621 0584
Passcode: L2Kj2D
One tap mobile
+61370182005,,3186210584# Australia
+61731853730,,3186210584# Australia
Dial by your location
Meeting ID: 318 621 0584
Find your local number:


Greg Rolles, Quakers and Climate Justice
1:30 pm AEST, 1 pm Adelaide, 11:30 am Perth.
This online Share & Tell will go for 60 minutes.
After a break, join the next session which is also on Earthcare concerns.
Zoom link details: QA -
Meeting ID: 903 679 8841
Passcode: 722655
One tap mobile
+61871501149,,9036798841#,,,,*722655# Australia
+61280156011,,9036798841#,,,,*722655# Australia
Dial by your location
Find your local number:


David Liversidge, Getting off Gas
3:30 pm AEST, 3 pm Adelaide, 1:30 pm Perth.
This online Share & Tell will go for 90 minutes.
Zoom link details: Australia Yearly Meeting #5
Meeting ID: 465 981 8150
Passcode: R2ahhb
One tap mobile
+61280156011,,4659818150# Australia
+61370182005,,4659818150# Australia
Dial by your location
Meeting ID: 465 981 8150
Find your local number:

Helen Gould, Singing Quaker Stories
1:30 pm AEST, 1 pm Adelaide, 11:30 am Perth.
This online Share & Tell will go for 60-90 minutes.
Zoom link details: Australia Yearly Meeting #03
Meeting ID: 564 903 6408
Passcode: Jzzw2M
One tap mobile
+61731853730,,5649036408# Australia
+61861193900,,5649036408# Australia
Dial by your location
Meeting ID: 564 903 6408
Find your local number:


Keep reading to find out more about these workshops.

David Liversidge, Getting off Gas
Natural gas is something that we all use in our homes, businesses and industries. Our response to climate change concerns indicates to us that we should eliminate our use of fossil fuels, including gas to the greatest extent possible. At the same time we still want to heat our homes and cool our larger buildings that often drive air conditioning plant using gas for cooling as well as for heating. Industry also uses gas for a myriad of other processes.

Greg Rolles, Quakers and Climate Justice
Witnessing in the Light is a core of the Quaker Vision. The Climate Crisis requires F/friends to consider strategic nonviolent direct action. Causing economic disruption with like minded people is the most effective way F/friends can live within their testimonies. Learn from an experienced activist the ups and downs of being involved with groups like Blockade Australia and next steps for the climate movement.

Helen Gould, Singing Quaker Stories
We’ll be singing some Quaker “faves” and some less well-known that tell Quaker stories. And learning a few sayings of Early Friends put to music by Paulette Meier or me. And having a go at creating a very simple tune for a phrase from Advices and Queries. Anyone is welcome to lead one of the songs!

Michael Griffith, "Within listening distance of the silence we call God." How does poetry open us to the sacred?
An interactive reading and discussion of a number of poems by Australian, English and America poets that provoke the question: How can poetic language open our hearts and minds to an experience of the sacred?

Sue Ennis and Di Bretherton, Reflection on Quaker Funding Groups and Quaker Applicants
Quakers have a long tradition of providing financial support to F/friends with tested concerns. We will explore:

How F/friends seeking financial support are best able to navigate the many types of funds that are held within the Society.
How current funding structures meet the responsibilities of administering donated or public monies whilst supporting the work of F/friends.  
What is working well and what, if anything, could change to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of the current funding systems within AYM.

YM24 Friendly Schools at the venue in Adelaide
This year Friendly School will be on Sunday 7th July.  In Adelaide, all the Friendly School workshops will begin at the same time. First join the Introduction to Friendly School session at 9:30 am ACST. Here are the workshops on offer at the venue:

  • Creative Writing  ---  David Evans
  • Indigenous Theologies: reflections from attending the Indigenous Theologies Conference  ---  Jane Hope
  • Learning to Adopt some Traditional Aboriginal Spiritual Practices  ---  Rowe Morrow
  • Radical Hospitality  ---  Emily Chapman-Searle and Yarrow Goodley
  • Reflection on Quaker Funding Groups and Quaker Applicants  ---  Sue Ennis and Di Bretherton (this will be a hybrid event in the Barcoo Room)
  • Spirituality and Ageing  ---  Anne Felton (WAITING LIST ONLY)
  • Women authors on peace, non-violence, and transforming conflicts (She wrote this that made me think ...)  ---  Anne Herbert

Find out more about these workshops below.

How can I register for Friendly School in Adelaide?
If you have registered to attend Yearly Meeting at the venue in Adelaide, scroll down to the bottom of this page for a link to the Friendly School registration form.

Friendly School workshops --- at the venue in Adelaide

Creative Writing  ---  David Evans
400 years of Pen and Quill and Keyboard expressing Quaker Thought and Action gives us a foundation to move on.  So join us to share your thoughts and writings. In the first session, you will be asked to talk about your interest in writing. In following sessions you will be given an opportunity to present what you have written (a book or article etc) with time for discussion. The creative writing interest group of YM 2018 led to a publication entitled Turning Points which has just now been published by the Australia Yearly Meeting Publications Committee. It would be possible to do something similar from this Yearly Meeting.

Indigenous Theologies: reflections from attending the Indigenous Theologies Conference  ---  Jane Hope
In February 2024, I represented Quakers at the Indigenous Theologies Conference: Raising Our Tribal Voice for Justice: An Indigenous Theological Revolution Conference. At the conference we heard from key Indigenous speakers, such as journalist Stan Grant, Professor Dr Auntie Anne Pattel-Grey (a Donald Groome fellow in the 80’s) and Rev Dr Garry Deverell. As well as hearing their theological reflections from an Indigenous experience, we heard of current issues around truth telling, land back and decolonisation. As I prepared my address for the ‘heads’ of churches section I reflected deeply on Quakers' concern for Indigenous people throughout the 8 generations of Colonisation in these lands. I would love to share my reflections on how we have been involved with decolonisation in the past and what we could be doing today in the present. I can also share some of the current theological reflections from the Indigenous lived experience and how we can incorporate this into our predominantly eurocentric Quaker Community.

Learning to Adopt some Traditional Aboriginal Spiritual Practices  ---  Rowe Morrow
While recently at Silver Wattle - Quaker Weereewa,  I realised that unless we late comers to this country, we call Australia, and who have done so much damage, embrace aspects of Indigenous spirituality we will continue to damage the ‘country’ where we live. I propose we learn about Indigenous spirituality - and practice it. This workshop offers depth and practicality. Not just know about Indigenous spirituality as a curiosity but as a satisfying way to live or find meaning in life. Some Friends could develop deep protective relationships to water, air, mountains and all species and then, perhaps then, one day in the future, we could call ourselves truly belonging because we know how to live here without doing harm, and in fact we become restorative as well.

Radical Hospitality  ---  Emily Chapman-Searle and Yarrow Goodley
What does Radical Hospitality look like for Quakers these days? How would we respond if George Fox appeared in our meeting one Sunday? Building on our experience of twelve months as coordinators at Silver Wattle Quaker Centre, we are interested to think more about how we practice radical hospitality. How can we be welcoming to all who come to us and make space at our table...both physical and metaphorical. We are thinking broadly. How are we accessible to people of all ages, genders, sexuality, race, age, class and more? How do we deal with being challenged?

Reflection on Quaker Funding Groups and Quaker Applicants  ---  Sue Ennis and Di Bretherton  (this will be a hybrid event in the Barcoo Room)
Quakers have a long tradition of providing financial support to F/friends with tested concerns. We will explore:

  • How F/friends seeking financial support are best able to navigate the many types of funds that are held within the Society.
  • How current funding structures meet the responsibilities of administering donated or public monies whilst supporting the work of F/friends.  
  • What is working well and what, if anything, could change to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of the current funding systems within AYM.

Spirituality and Ageing  ---  Anne Felton  (WAITING LIST ONLY)
We live on average 20 years longer today than in 1900. What are those extra years for? And the big question: How will we spend those extra years beyond “retirement”?  Spirituality means different things to different people. For most, it’s about finding meaning and purpose. This can be a lifelong quest but seems to come to the fore later in life. Research shows that the spiritual task of finding meaning in life does in fact become more important at this time. Why is that? And how can we navigate this time with more grace, given the mixed messages about ageing that society gives us? This Friendly School “Spirituality and Ageing” offers older folk the opportunity to reflect and share on your experience of later-life spirituality. Younger people are invited to learn something about what your family and friends might be feeling as they get older.  Anne Felton will draw on her own experience as a caregiver to an older person and as an older person herself. A geologist by profession, she has recently re-trained as a spiritual companion.

Women authors on peace, non-violence, and transforming conflicts (She wrote this that made me think ...)  ---  Anne Herbert
Many of us are challenged to express the Quaker peace testimony. Our practice experiments lead us to consider what is peace, and related concepts like what is violence and conflict, non-violence and conflict transformation, non-violent communication and so on. Our Friend, Margaret Bearlin, exhorts us to “read more women” on peace, avoiding violence and consider their approaches to transforming conflict and non-violent communication because “Women do groundbreaking work for justice, peace and security. Yet, they continue to be sidelined ...Even when women play instrumental roles in forging and sustaining peace, when they are at the table, we don’t hear enough about their contributions…"

Let us take time during this Friendly School to share texts by women that have engaged each of us on our own journey to express our peace testimony. Please bring a text and be ready to share how it has affected your thinking and practice.


Restrict Access: 

Home Groups

Home Groups

Connecting with others is a joy of Yearly Meetings. We love getting together, meeting people from other places, sharing our lives and how our communities are going, and talking about matters that deeply concern us. Building bonds in a smallish group that remains consistent during Yearly Meeting can be a lovely way of doing this. We can make new friendships and strengthen old ones.

Home groups are a tried and true way of enhancing our fellowship and sense of community. Home groups have long been integral to Quaker gatherings worldwide, though we have only recently started including them in our Yearly Meetings again. Home groups were enjoyed by many Friends at YM22 and YM23.  We are offering them again as part of YM24.

We hope all who attend will bring a willingness to listen to others and share from their own experience.

In Adelaide, there will be in-person home groups meeting in shacks. Online participants in geographically diverse locations will meet in their home groups by Zoom.

We plan to contact all Friends in Home Groups with your groupings in early July, before Yearly Meeting begins.

Curious about how Home Groups work? Please see this Suggestions document for guidance on what to do and ideas for worship sharing or discussion topics.

Any questions? You might find the answer in this revised FAQs document (Word) or FAQs document (PDF). More questions?

Please contact us:
Kerstin Reimers
and Isaac Brady

Restrict Access: 

Share & Tell Sessions

Share & Tell Sessions

Share & Tells are 45-90 minute sessions on a wide range of topics. During Yearly Meeting there are 6 places in the timetable with Share & Tells. Each timeslot has 3-6 concurrent sessions. For details of the venue and for Zoom links, please go to the Quakers Australia YM24 timetable

For a list of what's on each day, keep reading. For a description of each Share & Tell session, scroll down further. 

(1)   Tuesday 9 July, 12 pm (AEST), 11:30 am (Adelaide), 9 am (WA)


(*)   Tuesday 9 July, 1 pm (Adelaide)

  • Rainbow Friends and Allies, social lunch, at the venue only - Poolside.

(2)   Tuesday 9 July, 2:30 pm (AEST), 2 pm (Adelaide), 12 pm (WA)

  • Jan de Voogd Peace Fund, with Therese Douglas and Wies Schuiringa, and guest speakers, in the Barcoo Room and on Zoom: QA 
    Meeting ID: 903 679 8841     Passcode: 722655
    One tap mobile   +61871501149,,9036798841#,,,,*722655# Australia
    Dial by your location - Find your local number:

  • Annual Elections, with David Tehr, at the venue only - Shack 14
  • Finding Spirit in the Soil, with Emily Chapman-Searle, Yarrow Goodley and Mardi Naulty, venue only Shack 12
  • Gembrook Retreat, with Jane Hope, at the venue only Shack 17
  • Volunteerism: an attitude of Quaker life, with Wendy Hartley, at the venue only Shack 85
  • Resolving conflict, with David Purnell, at the venue only Shack 49


(3)   Wednesday 10 July, 12 pm (AEST), 11:30 am (Adelaide), 9 am (WA)

(*)   Wednesday 10 July, 2:30 pm (AEST), 2 pm (Adelaide), 12 pm (WA)

(4)   Thursday 11 July, 12 pm (AEST), 11:30 am (Adelaide), 9 am (WA)

  • Ecumenical & Multifaith Session, with Wies Schuiringer, in the Barcoo Room and on Zoom: 
    Meeting ID: 903 679 8841  Passcode: 722655
    One tap mobile +61871501149,,9036798841#,,,,*722655# Australia
    Dial by your location - Find your local number:

  • Exchanges of the heart: the challenges of living and working in Cambodia 1986 to 2022, with Margaret Bywater, at the venue Shack 81 and on Zoom: 
    Zoom link Australia Yearly Meeting #03 
    Meeting ID: 564 903 6408    Passcode: Jzzw2M 
    One tap mobile +61731853730,,5649036408# Australia
    Dial by your location - Find your local number:
  • Quakers and Refugees: past, present and future, with Alan Clayton and Dorothy Scott, at the venue only Shack 54 
    (NOTE: This session was originally publicised as a hybrid meeting but will now be at the venue only -- those wishing to have an online session, please contact Dorothy Scott to arrange something directly with her)
  • What next for Friends with Palestine and Israel? (follow-up session to Wednesday's Share & Tell), with Aletia Dundas, at the venue only Shack 61


(*)   Thursday 11 July, 1 pm (Adelaide)

  • Sale of the Devonshire Street Meeting House, with Mary Pollard, at the venue only, Barcoo Room. BYO lunch. 

(5)  Thursday 11 July, 2:30 pm (AEST), 2 pm (Adelaide), 12 pm (WA)

(*)  Thursday 11 July, 4:00 pm (AEST), 3:30 pm (Adelaide), 2:00 pm (WA)

  • Penn Friends, with Anna Wilkinson and Jonathan Benyei, at the venue only, in the Poolside Room.


(6)  Thursday 11 July, 4:30 pm (AEST), 4 pm (Adelaide), 2:30 pm (WA)


Share & Tell descriptions

Annual Elections, with David Tehr
Since 1986 David Tehr has been strongly convinced that annual elections for all elected legislatures would foster better accountability, transparency, stability, legitimacy and long-term planning. (In Australia that would be the three tiers of Local, State & Federal government.) And yet, he continues to find himself swimming against the tide. Since 1986 State governments have gone from 3- to 4-year terms, and the only public discussions about Federal terms have been to lengthen them also to 4-year terms. David asks "What am I not seeing?" He asks Friends to join him and tell him why they think annual elections would not (could not?) work. David enters this 90 minute space with the knowledge that he "may be mistaken" .... he simply asks Friends to enter this space likewise. We pray for an interesting and enlightening exploration of this concept of annual elections, and what may be the "best practices" for modern representative democracies.

The Breath of Love, with MichaEL Piovesan
Everybody breathes but not everybody breathes consciously. To consciously breathe means to knowingly open ourselves to receive The Divine Breath and allow ourselves to Be Breathed by Love. We merge with The One through The Breath and e-merge as Love. Let this be done to you.

Children and young people in Power of Goodness events, Friends Peace Teams, with Valerie Joy, Anne Herbert, Kins and Selly
Find out how the Power of Goodness events are bringing children and young people away from childhood traumas and towards peace and leadership. Over 6,500 children in Asia have participated in these programs, enabled by funding from the Jan de Voogd bequest. We use stories of conflict, which are then resolved through the power of goodness inherent in children and adults. Participants at Yearly Meeting can engage with a Power of Goodness event both in person and online. Discussions will involve how more stories can be created by Australian Friends. We are seeking children and young people to illustrate these stories. How can Meetings and individuals support our Power of Goodness facilitators in West Papua, the Philippines and Indonesia?

Ecumenical & Multifaith Session, with Wies Schuiringa

Exchanges of the heart: the challenges of living and working in Cambodia 1986 to 2022, with Margaret Bywater
My first visit to Cambodia (then known as Kampuchea) in July 1986 was for Quaker Service Australia (QSA). The country was slowly emerging the years of Genocide. Between 1986 and 1990, I returned regularly each year to negotiate with local staff and government officials, and to monitor the progress of QSA programs. From early 1991, Cambodia became my home, working as a librarian, training, advising staff and students at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, and later with The Parliamentary Centre of Asia until retiring at the end of 2022. During many years living in Cambodia, my work enabled me to travel throughout the country, observing many changes. Along the way there were challenges. I made many friends, and shared experiences with people from many different backgrounds and faiths. Cambodia and her people will always be close to my heart. I look forward to sharing my experiences and insights with Friends.

Exploring Co-Clerking Practices, with Sheila Keane
This session will be an opportunity to hear about current practices of Friends on Clerking Teams or in Co-Clerking arrangements, and to explore what works and what is challenging. Discussion will be informal, hopefully concluding with some suggestions on how the clerking function in a variety of settings can be carried out creatively in ways that are both effective and sustainable.

Hope Wellbeing Hub project, with Jill & David Parris
This project was supported by the Jan De Voogd Peace Fund. The Hope Co-Operative received funds to work intensively with 10+ families with asylum seeker backgrounds for fifteen months to find pathways towards settlement. The Wellbeing Hub’s work was different from other organisations because we worked intensively with whole families on as many issues as possible, from help with education, visas, health and integration as well as building community across cultures. Our structure is an asylum seeker run co-operative, which means that we all work from the principle of equality and joint responsibility. The community itself has planned and worked together to the point where integration into Australia has been achieved for the majority of our members. We will report back on the evaluation of this project and answer questions relating to our process and findings.

Film "Mammung", with Helen Gould
This 40 minute documentary is about indigenous WA Noongar learning and stories about the rise of the sea levels 10,000 years ago and current climate change issues. It was made by our Friend Lillian Robb and Maevia Griffiths working with Dr Uncle Noel Nannup in 2023.  Lillian is an international Environmental and Human Rights lawyer and is rersearching environmental law looking at the issue of climate refugees. The film is in the NAIDOC line up and is a nominee for the Toronto International Women's Film Festival. Mammung is the Noongar name for the whale: a creature that carries songs and stories through the world's oceans, transmitting them from the Perth Canyon to all the continents of the globe. In this film, Mammung tells the story of a period of climatic change that rivals the one we are seeing today. 10,000 years ago, Western Australia experienced rapid sea-level rise. The film explores Noongar memory of this event, following Dr Noel Nannup in recalling the significance of places that are now below the sea and the dramatic process of change that indigenous people endured. It challenges us to ask: Can we learn to understand and value this rich body of knowledge as we too adapt to a changing climate? And what awaits us if we don't?

Finding Spirit in the Soil, with Emily Chapman-Searle, Yarrow Goodley and Mardi Naulty
Spirituality and gardening...for some of us these things go hand in hand. As a time to slow down, listen, be active, be present, observe, notice our leadings and inner nudges, while taking action for climate resilience, personal wellbeing, soil health and gorgeous plants. Come and share stories of active spirituality and how gardening is part of your spiritual practice. Bring a tangible reminder of your garden or gardening. Be mindful of South Australia’s biohazard laws, please! A photo is fine.

Friends in Stitches, with Sally O'Wheel and Tessa Spratt
Friends in Stitches is the Australian Quaker Narrative Embroidery Project. At this session, we will catch up on progress and issues which we need to address to maintain our work and grow. The participation of historians, artists, would-be-stitchers and promoters of the project are needed and warmly welcomed.

From the river to the sea: exploration of Quaker perspectives on peace with justice in the Holy Land, with Aletia Dundas
Since I wrote my open letter to the Australian Friend about principled impartiality in relation to Palestine and Israel, the conversation has continued. It's been hard for me to hear people focus primarily on Jewish friends’ worries and yet I believe for us to reach unity there has to be space for discomfort, and listening to perspectives that seem at odds with our own. I invite Friends to join a safe space for exploring questions of impartiality, peace with justice, and what it means to nonviolently resist structural violence. We will draw on the words of others including Palestinian Quaker Jean Zaru, and use some guiding queries, to explore these ideas and questions together.

Gembrook Retreat, with Jane Hope
For over 20 years Gembrook Retreat has been creating a space for connection to Country, Spirit and Soul. The land was gifted by Quaker Elder Maggie Dunkle in 2001 and we have created a contemplative community who live a rhythm of work and prayer. We have retreat spaces for those who are looking for rest, time out, or spiritual growth. Retreatants are welcome to do their own self-run retreats or book into Spiritual Direction or Retreat Guided sessions to deepen their experience. Most recently we have built a Quaker Meeting House for groups to use for their own day retreats. We use the Meeting House for our own Quaker Meeting and workshops based on Joanna Macy's work: The Work that Reconnects.

The importance of the Plant World for every person, with Wendy Hartley
What is sentience and why is it important? What is plant-animal symbiosis, and how does it work? Why is listening to nature important? How can I further green my world view? What does stewardship mean to me? Discussion and comments can be interwoven during our time together.

Jan de Voogd Peace Fund, with Therese Douglas and Wies Schuiringa
Jan de Voogd died in January 2021 leaving the bulk of his estate to NSW Regional Meeting to provide financial grants to further Peace and Justice. The Regional Meeting appointed a committee to carry out Jan’s wishes. This Share and Tell will inform Friends of how this committee evolved and has worked thus far. Some grant recipients will talk about their projects.

Love and kindness on my cancer journey, Tessa Bremner
Breast cancer is something no one imagines will happen to them. Fear leaps up before the treatment even begins, becoming a constant companion. I had always exercised, meditated, eaten fresh food. Why me? “Cancer doesn’t discern,” the surgeon told me. I was encouraged to stay positive. “You’re fit”, I was told, “you have a good attitude and you have a good support person. That should help you through.” Living on Kangaroo Island, our lives became one of travel day after day. The sea was a balm, as was the kindness and love I received from everyone I encountered. I met angels, with no wings. I was one of the lucky ones. I had a supporting husband, nurses and doctors who were gentle and an oncologist who encouraged me to write my story.

Meet the new QPLC Peace worker Jessica Morrison
The Quaker Peace and Legislation Committee (QPLC) has recently employed Jessica Morrison as peaceworker, two days a week. The role aims to augment existing Quaker work on peace and human rights towards government policy change in line with Quaker testimonies. QPLC and Jessica are keen to share with Friends some of the emerging ideas about the work, and seek feedback.

A Meeting of Equals: The Queer Quaker Experience, with Liz Shield
Many faith traditions teach that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer [LGBTIQ+) is incompatible with God's will and the church. Why are Quakers different? This will be a conversational session with some historical Quaker faith and practice sharing around inclusion and equality for same sex attracted, non-binary, queer and trans people, as well as examining the current context from a personal perspective.

New QA Membership Directory (QADO), with Michael Searle and Daniel Buckmaster
Quakers Australia (QA) is replacing its aged and ineffective SalesForce Membership Directory. An all-new system, the Quakers Australia Directory Online (QADO) will replace it. Everyone can have access to their own information, as well as Find A Friend, etc. Being in the directory will help your Clerk and others in administering your Meeting. Very likely you are already in the new directory, but there is more you can do. This session will familiarise us with using QADO. Bring you own computer, or phone, or not. It will be fun, as well as useful.

Penn Friends, with Jo Jordan and Topsy Evans
Every Yearly Meeting, we bring together younger and older Friends who would like a Pen Pal. This can be the beginning of life long friendships. 

Positive Peace - Asia Pacific Peace Research Assoc (APPRA), with David Evans
The Asia Pacific Peace Research Association Conference 2024 was held at the University of Vavuniya in Sri Lanka 7-10 March last. It was temporally appropriate to honour the work of Johan Vincent Galtung principal founder of the discipline of peace and conflict studies who died on 17 February 2024. APPRA is our regional section of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA). Starting in 1980, APPRA hybrid conferences are now held bi-annually. They are an ideal forum to present your current involvement with peace work and to meet international peace workers. My own paper was entitled "Social Emergence -- Local to Global -- Lessons in Peacemaking". Reference will also be made to friendly societies in our region including Cisarua Learning in Indonesia and the Quaker Girls School in Sohagpur, India.

Quakers and Refugees: past, present and future, with Alan Clayton and Dorothy Scott
There is a long history of Friends acting on their Concerns in relation to refugees. What can we learn from reflecting on what has been done in the past, and how do we respond to present challenges? We will draw on past examples and two current initiatives in which Australian Friends are involved. The current examples involve asylum seekers subject to Australia’s offshore detention policies, and former Afghan Peace Volunteers being resettled in Europe. We will examine the potential of a new model of refugee resettlement in areas of reduced population in Western nations.

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO), with Ronis Chapman & Aletia Dundas
An opportunity to learn  about the Quaker United Nations Offices in New York and Geneva. Aletia Dundas is the FWCC Asia West Pacific Section (AWPS) representative on the New York committee and Ronis Chapman is the FWCC AWPS representative on the Geneva committee. Come along with your questions.  We may or may not know the answer but will be very happy to share what we do know of QUNO and their wonderful work.

Quakers we have known and loved, with Liz Field
We have a Memorial Meeting where we particularly remember those Friends who have died since our last Yearly Meeting, but I would like to offer an opportunity for each of us present to share, perhaps in worship-sharing format, a brief account about a Friend who has died some time ago, and whom we hold dear for what we learned from them and/or loved about them. New Friends would also be very welcome to come as they might enjoy hearing about these Friends.

Rainbow Friends and Allies, social lunch
Meet other LGBTIQA+ Friends and Allies at a relaxed social lunch. BYO your  lunch. Weather permitting, meet near the Poolside Room. 

Raising Peace Network, with Wies Schuiringa
At this session, Friends will be listening to a 40 minutes podcast "Talking about Raising Peace", followed by Worship Sharing. In this podcast, 13 people speak about their involvement with and motivation to remain committed to working with the Raising Peace Network. This is a relaxing session during which you will be re-energised to work for peace in whatever way you choose. Friends can listen to the podcast at home and join by Zoom for the Worship Sharing afterwards. The podcast is at podcast number 6. 
The Zoom link is:
The session is hosted by Wies Schuiringa who has been actively involved with the Raising Peace Network for four years.

Resolving conflict, with David Purnell
This session is an opportunity to learn more about different approaches to conflict, such as mediation, restorative practice and fact-finding. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of their own experience in dealing with conflict.

Streamlining Quaker Communications, with Holly Dhynes, our QA Communications and Publicity Manager
Join us as we explore ways to improve communication between Regional Meetings and the AYM/Quakers Australia national office. We'll dive into practical strategies for sharing information more effectively and discuss tools and resources that can help us stay connected. This is a great opportunity for editors of Regional Meeting newsletters and eNotices to collaborate and share insights on how we can enhance our communication network.

Volunteerism: an attitude of Quaker life, with Wendy Hartley
The concept and practical meaning of volunteerism.How does this concept apply to the Quaker testimony of Service? How is Maslow’s pyramid relevant? Developing the abilities of awareness, discrimination, subtlety and effective communication. Enhancing a situation. The importance of giving without thought of the result. Discussion and comments can be interwoven during our time together.

Wellspring Community - Iona Listening Pilgrimage, with Lisa Wriley
The Wellspring Community Listening Pilgrimage 2023 across these lands now called Australia was a 5 week adventure by a group of pilgrims substantially funded by three Quaker funds. The pilgrimage included 27 events, and learning from more than 30 First Nations leaders through their stories and insights on caring for Country and/or creation.

What does the concept of Human Security have to offer Quakers in Australia?  with Dale Hess and Harold Wilkinson
In this session we will consider the Pax Christi/Jo Camilleri paper "Military Security or Human Security?"  We will discuss the range of issues outlined in the paper and to explore the connections between these issues for Australia and the implications for Friends.


Restrict Access: 

YM24 Elders

YM24 Elders

The role of the Yearly Meeting elders
YM elders establish and maintain the spiritual quality of meetings, holding the gathered stillness in Meetings for Worship, and in the formal sessions and preparatory sessions considering business.  

The elders who are allocated for a particular session arrive early to centre down before others arrive.

Elders have the responsibility to maintain the worshipfulness, or spiritual quality, of the meeting. On occasion this might mean steering the meeting back on track or making a judgement about whether to intervene in worship or ministry. This is only done as a last resort but is a necessary responsibility and must be done with tenderness for any individual and the gathered meeting.

Meetings of YM24 Elders
There are a variety of challenges in being an elder on-ground or online. 

A meeting will be held ahead of Yearly Meeting to share prior experiences and challenges. Those who are new to being an online elder and those with more experience are all encouraged to join this session.

A meeting of the whole group of YM24 Elders will take place early before Yearly Meeting to choose a convenor and organise a roster. A more experienced elder may be paired with someone less experienced.

There will be another meeting early on the first day of Yearly Meeting to discuss the role, ask questions and check the roster. 

YM24 Elders

CRQ: Mardi Naulty and Michael Bayles
NSWRM: Liz Field
QRM: Filippe Oliveria (from Monday), Frances Long (online)
SANTRM: Harald Ehmann, Wendy Hartley
TRM: Sally O’Wheel
VRM: Jane Hope and Susan Nelson
WARM: Tonya Jensen
Rainbow Friends: Liz Shield (RF, VRM) and Isaac Brady (RF, FORM, QRM)
ONLINE: Julie Webb (SANTRM); Jan Blakeney (TRM), Maggie Storr (TRM); Rose Griffith (NSWRM); Maxine Barry (RF); Clint de Young (WARM), Frances Long (QRM).

Due to the hybrid online environment for YM24 please note that:

YM24 Pastoral Care Committee will be the first contact point for any Safe Quaker Community matters.

QA Child Protection Committee, Ronis Chapman and Lorraine Thomson, will be the first point of contact for Child Protection concerns.
(phone numbers: Ronis 0402 745 548, Lorraine 0405 468 154)

Restrict Access: 

YM24 Pastoral Carers

YM24 Pastoral Carers

The role of YM Pastoral Carers
Pastoral carers offer patient listening, gentle questioning and encouragement. They do not offer advice. The pastoral carer meets with a person for informal discussion or deep listening about some uncertainty or difficulty. Practical assistance may be offered or suggested. The matters dealt with by pastoral carers are usually personal and confidential in nature, e.g. an unexpected injury or loss, a sense of loneliness or isolation.

When are YM24 Pastoral Carers needed?
At YM24, there are several settings when pastoral care may be needed:

  • throughout Yearly Meeting, including keeping a caring eye out for First Timers
  • around the time of the Meeting for Remembrance
  • online, particularly during sessions where people socialise.

Online pastoral care
Pastoral carers are not expected to handle questions about technical issues or zoom connections and, in these cases, refer the person to the Help Desk which is equipped to deal with them.

Some pastoral carers may be willing to make their phone number available for people to contact them. Others may prefer to be given a person’s phone number and make the call.  Some pastoral carers might be approached directly online.

Meetings of YM24 Pastoral Carers
There are a variety of challenges in being a pastoral carer on-ground or online. A meeting for all YM24 Pastoral Carers will be held to share experiences and challenges. Those new to pastoral care as well as those with experience are all encouraged to join this session.

YM24 Pastoral Carers will meet again on the first day of Yearly Meeting to discuss the role, ask questions, decide how to be easily identified, and when and where to be available. 

The YM pastoral care group may meet each day during Yearly Meeting to support each other.

YM24 Pastoral Carers
CRQ: Mardi Naulty and Michael Bayles
NSWRM: Liz Field
QRM: Filippe Oliveria (from Monday), Frances Long (online)
SANTRM: Harald Ehmann, Wendy Hartley
TRM: Sally O’Wheel
VRM: Jane Hope and Susan Nelson
WARM: Tonya Jensen
Rainbow Friends: Liz Shield (RF, VRM) and Isaac Brady (RF, FORM, QRM)
ONLINE: Julie Webb (SANTRM); Jan Blakeney (TRM), Maggie Storr (TRM); Rose Griffith (NSWRM); Maxine Barry (RF); Clint de Young (WARM), Frances Long (QRM)

Due to the hybrid online environment for YM24 please note that:

YM24 Pastoral Care Committee will be the first contact point for any Safe Quaker Community matters.

QA Child Protection Committee, Ronis Chapman and Lorraine Thomson, will be the first point of contact for Child Protection concerns.
(phone numbers: Ronis 0402 745 548, Lorraine 0405 468 154)

Restrict Access: 

YM25 Planning

YM25 Planning

Where will Yearly Meeting be in 2025? 
Will a Regional Meeting offer to host it? 

Will it be entirely online? 

Would you like to help organise it?

For more information, to offer ideas and to volunteer to help with YM25, contact the Yearly Meeting Organising Committee at




Restrict Access: 

YM24 Business

Yearly Meeting 24 Business 

Whether you are new to Yearly Meeting or have been involved in our national gatherings for years, please click on “Preparing Hearts and Minds for YM24 Business" and ensure you are familiar with the way we are being asked to prepare and work together.

To understand how Regional Meetings consider issues in advance, read about Documents in Advance, and the way national committees and working groups set out their reports. Some will have a Part B with items for consideration in their report. Your Regional Meeting will discuss these items in a Meeting for Worship for Business. Then there will be Preparatory Sessions in May for Friends around Australia to explore these items together. The Preparatory Session reports will come to a Yearly Meeting Formal Session for consideration. 

In contrast, some national committees and working groups will simply provide information in their report with no Part B, and some of these will hold Information Sessions in May-June.  

Learn more about "Preparing to Participate in Yearly Meeting 2024 online Business Sessions" here, in a message from our Presiding Clerk, Bruce Henry.

Learn more about "YM24 Business Processes Explained" here.

Documents in Advance 2024 is also available on this website here


Restrict Access: 

Preparing Hearts and Minds for YM24 Business

Preparing to Participate in Quakers Australia Yearly Meeting 2024 hybrid Business Sessions

A Message from our Presiding Clerk

In our meetings for worship we seek through the stillness to know God’s will for ourselves and for the gathered group. Our meetings for church affairs, in which we conduct our business, are also meetings for worship based on silence, and they carry the same expectation that God’s guidance can be discerned if we are truly listening together and to each other, and are not blinkered by preconceived opinions. It is this belief that God’s will can be recognised through the discipline of silent waiting which distinguishes our decision-making process from the secular idea of consensus. We have a common purpose in seeking God’s will through waiting and listening, believing that every activity of life should be subject to divine guidance. 

Quaker faith and practice 3.02

Business Sessions for YM24

A very warm welcome to our YM24 Quaker Meetings for Business in a spirit of Worship!

YM24 is our first “Hybrid” Yearly Meeting, ie some people face-to-face and some on line

Quakers’ experience internationally is that worshipping together online can be deep and spirit-filled, with ministry springing from a gathered stillness.

However, Meetings for Worship for Business with an online component may  take longer than when we meet in person. Recent experience suggests that a virtual Meeting for Worship for Business takes longer than one held face-to-face. The same will be true of hybrid meetings

Preparatory work for the Meeting for Worship for Business

If you plan to attend and participate in YM24 Business sessions,  please come prepared. Please access information on the YM24 website and read the relevant reports.

Preparatory work for the Meeting for Worship for Business includes both information gathering (which includes Documents in Advance 2024, reports from Preparatory Sessions, Regional Meeting responses and reports or recommendations from committees and other meetings) and preparing the mind and heart.

As part of your preparation, Friends are asked to reflect upon matters to come before the meeting, so that all relevant insights, leadings, information and other considerations can be weighed in the meeting’s discernment process.

Spiritual preparation and support for the clerking team helps to ensure that the meeting is conducted in a worshipful manner. Elders and Pastoral Care play an important part before, during and after each session.

It is important that each participant begins the meeting with the expectation that it will be a spiritual experience.


  • What activities, rituals, practices can you engage in to prepare yourself for YM24 Meetings for Worship for Business?
  • Have you read the relevant material for each meeting and taken time to sit with this material? Is there anything you are unsure about that you could ask a friend for clarity about?
  • If you are attending online, how might you create your own opportunities for informal conversations and connections during YM24, perhaps on the phone, meeting up with nearby Friends, or through daily walks in nature?

Speaking in Formal Session 

In the Formal Session, if you wish to speak:

  • If you are in the room, stand and wait to be recognised by the Clerk
  • If you are online, use the "Raise Hand" function in order to be recognised by the Clerk.
  • The Clerk will call you by your name on the Zoom screen. All others wishing to speak should remain muted, until called upon. 
  • State your name and your Meeting, speak briefly and clearly, and avoid repeating points that have already been put before the meeting.  
  • It is not expected that any Friend will speak more than once on an issue, unless specifically requested by the Clerk (e.g., to provide a committee report or information from a Friend’s area of expertise).
  • The Clerk will allow time to process and consider before calling the next person. We need this space to create a gathered stillness for ministry within the worshipping community.
  • If you indicate that you wish to speak, but are not called upon to speak, be patient, remain in worship and trust that if the contribution needs to come to the meeting, a way forward will present itself. 

If you are on line: 
Prepare the space where you are meeting

Friends wishing to participate will need to have a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone with a Zoom connection, a camera/webcam, a microphone setting and enough bandwidth to allow them to be heard distinctly without the signal breaking up.

Friends using a phone line or experiencing unreliable Internet should consider simply listening to a Business session or joining another Friend with a better connection. If either situation applies to you, please consider talking with your Regional Meeting Clerk about how you can best participate in Yearly Meeting. If you know someone in this position, consider reaching out to them and inviting them to join you for Business meetings, or offer to help them get set up on Zoom.

2. Before the day

  • Try out Zoom in advance, ideally with a friend who can help you – it takes away the stress, and lets you learn peacefully first.

3. On the day

  • Make sure the name you wish the Clerk to use is on your screen. If more than one person is present, please include names of all Friends.
  • Connect 10 minutes or so ahead of the scheduled time of Meeting so if you need help, you can contact someone who can help (there will be a Help Desk number for YM24).
  • Check that your microphone is turned on, but muted unless you are speaking.
  • Try to have a few minutes of quiet preparation ahead of the start of the session.
  • Stay in that worshipful space throughout the whole meeting, especially if the Clerking Team leave the main meeting to write a minute in a break out room.

4. Queries for preparing the space you are in (either on your own or with other Friends)

  • Is this a quiet space? Is this a space where I can be quiet and still? If I unmute, will there be background noise?
  • What will Friends see on the screen? Does it look like and feel like a worshipful space? Might a few flowers or a copy of this we can say help set the scene?
  • Do others in the location understand that you are Meeting for Worship for Business?

Bruce Henry, Presiding Clerk

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YM24 Business Processes Explained

Yearly Meeting 24 Business Processes Explained

Each national committee, working group, and AYM-associated body is asked to write a report for Documents in Advance (DIA), which Friends are encouraged to read ahead of Yearly Meeting. 

Regional Meetings may also write a report for Documents in Advance with a Part B if they have an item for consideration at Yearly Meeting. Regional Meetings have otherwise already written their main report of their year's activities, for the national AGM held in January.

Documents in Advance 2024  is available here on this website.

  • Part A reports on the work of the committee or working group during the preceding year.
  • Part B (only included if needed) presents Items for Consideration.

Regional Meetings receive all the reports in Documents in Advance and are asked to discuss the Part B matters at their Meetings for Worship for Business, so that consideration at Yearly Meeting is well informed. Regional Meeting responses are minuted, sent to the AYM Secretary, and will be available on this website.

Prior to Yearly Meeting, each committee or working group which has submitted a DIA report, may hold an Information Session (in May-June) or a Preparatory Session (in May) prior to Yearly Meeting.

  • An Information Session is for a group whose Report for Documents in Advance only has a Part A. The session provides an opportunity to present what the group has been doing and to elaborate on what is in their report. Such a session will not contribute to decision-making, but will air the good work of the committee. Because a decision is not sought, the reporting of this committee stops here; it does not go on to a Formal Session.
  • Preparatory Session is held when a committee or working group has a Part B in their DIA report, in which they have put forward Items for Consideration that they would like Quakers nationally to consider.  Prior to their Preparatory Sessions, Regional Meetings will have considered their reports. Minutes will be taken and forwarded to the AYM Secretary.  The Preparatory Session report will be brought by the committee or working group to a YM24 Formal Session. 
  • The list of scheduled Information Sessions (and their reports) can be found here.
  • The list of scheduled Preparatory Sessions (and their reports) can be found here.
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Documents in Advance 2024

Each national committee, working group and associated body writes a report for Documents in Advance (DIA), which consists of a:

  • Part A, which reports on the work of the committee or working group during the preceding year. Find these reports HERE.
  • Part B (included only if needed), which presents questions or proposals for consideration at Yearly Meeting. Find these reports HERE.

Download the complete Documents in Advance 2024 HERE. 




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Documents in Advance (log-in required)

Dear Friends, here are Documents in Advance 2024 as a complete 112 page document at the top.

Reports with a Part B (Items for consideration) are noted thus in DIA:

PART B in this Report

(see top of page 12 in DIA)


Individual reports with a Part B are also listed here underneath.

Below that are also the individual reports with no Part B.


At the bottom of this page are the Regional Meeting responses.


Please contact the QA Coordinator <> if you have any queries.

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Information Sessions & Reports

Information Sessions & Reports:

Information Sessions will be held during May and June prior to Yearly Meeting.

  • These sessions are for a group whose Report for Documents in Advance only has a Part A. The sessions provide an opportunity to present what the group has been doing and to elaborate on what is in their report. Such a session will not contribute to decision-making, but will air the good work of the committee. Because a decision is not sought, the reporting of this committee stops here; it does not go on to a Formal Session.
  • Please note: this listing is constantly being updated. For the most current Session list go to the Session Timetable HERE.


Information Sessions so far have been:

YM 24 Updates on Friends Peace Teams
Friday 14 June at 7pm AEST (6:30 ACST, 5pm AWST)

  • Link to DIA24 report HERE.
  • Link to Session report HERE.


Report on the 11th NCCA Conference by Anne Zubrick


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Preparatory Sessions & Reports

Preparatory Sessions:
  • are held when a committee or working group has a Part B in their DIA report, in which they have put forward Items for Consideration that they would like Quakers nationally to consider  
  • prior to their Preparatory Sessions, Regional Meetings will have considered these Reports and minuted their responses
  • the Preparatory Session report will be brought by the committee or working group to a YM24 Formal Session
  • See zoom links in "What is this?" for each Formal Session on the Quakers Australia YM24 calendar


Child Protection Committee invites you to Formal Session 4 at 9:30am Adelaide time on Tuesday 9 July

  • Link to DIA24 report HERE
  • Link to Prep Session report HERE.


Archiving & possible creating a new role of "QA Historian" - see Formal Session 7 at 9:30am Adelaide time on Friday 12 July
Up until YM24 we have had an official "Archivist" (Saadia Thomson-Dwyer QRM) but our Friend is laying down this role. Saadia states in her Part B: "I believe the Society should lay down the current role and replace it with a QA Historian role". What did Friends think? The Yearly Meeting Formal Session which will discern a response to Saadia's Report and the subsequent discussion at the Preparatory Session.

  • Link to DIA24 report HERE.
  • Link to Session report HERE.


Associate Bodies to QA - see Formal Session 6 at 9:30am Adelaide time on Thursday 11 July
Alan Clayton has constructed a background document - go HERE to see it.

  • Link to DIA24 report HERE
  • Link to the Prep Session report HERE


Thanksgiving Fund Preparatory Session - see see Formal Session 3 at 9:30am Adelaide time on Monday 8 July

  • Link to DIA24 report HERE
  • Link to Prep Session report HERE


Children and JYF Committee invites you to Formal Session 4 at 9:30am Adelaide time on Tuesday 9 July
The Children and Junior Young Friends Committee employed Fiona Gardener to consult with children, JYFs, their families and carers as to how we can bring children and JYFs into the heart of the Quaker Community.  Fiona and her research colleague, Jill Hanlon, met with groups of Friends and visited Hobart, Victoria and South Australian Regional Meetings.  Fiona and Jill interviewed a total of 50 people across all states, including some children and JYFs, to explore current and past experiences of how Meetings have sought to include all ages, what is being done well and what we could do better.  The Preparatory Session briefly described the results of their project and explore some of the implications of this research for the future.

  • Link to DIA24 report HERE
  • Link to Prep Session report HERE


Working Group on the Use of Undirected Donations and Bequests Preparatory Session
Saturday, 29 June at 2pm AEST Canberra; 1:30pm ACST Adelaide; 12pm noon AWST Perth
The Working Group on the use of undirected donations and bequests was established through Standing Committee to reflect on how large undirected donations/bequests might be best handled.

  • Link to DIA24 report HERE
  • Link to Prep Session report HERE


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YM24 Epistle

Each Yearly Meeting produces epistles to the rest of the Quaker world. Sometimes there are several Epistles written during a Yearly Meeting, with some contributed by particular groups within the YM (such as a Children's Epistle, etc.).

Please find below the YM24 Epistle drafts, prepared by the YM24 Epistle writers:
Restina Nininahazwe , Dale Hess, Sally O’Wheel


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YM24 Formal Sessions

This page contains:

  • Formal Session Agendas, as they become available. Agendas might be decided only a short time before its session. Agendas may change throughout the week. Revised agendas will be posted here prior to Formal Sessions.
  • Formal Session Minutes from each Formal Session, once checked by the Minute Checkers and the AYM Secretary.
  • Formal Session items for consideration 


Formal Session 1

Formal Session 2

Formal Session 3

Formal Session 4

Formal Session 5

Formal Session 6

Formal Session 7

  • Minutes

Formal Session 8

Formal Session 9




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YM24 Reports from Activities

State of the Society Address

You can read The State of the Society Address prepared, written and presented by Bev Polzin (VRM) HERE.

Summary of Epistles Report

You can read the Summary of Epistles Report prepared, written and presented by Michael Griffith (NSWRM) HERE.

Backhouse Lecture

The Backhouse Lecture will be published shortly and be available for $20 per copy (there is a lot more in the publication than Jackie Leach Scully could say in a one hour lecture). You can watch the recording of the 2024 Backhouse Lecture here (once loaded).


Read reports from YM24 activities here






  • Share & Tell Sessions Overview report
  • Quaker Narrative Embroidery Project Share & Tell
  • Elders Share & Tell
  • Friends Peace Teams Asia West Pacific Share & Tell
  • Transition Implementation WG Share & Tell
  • Friends School for Girls in India Share & Tell
  • QPLC Share & Tell
  • Sacred Listening Share & Tell
  • Singing Quaker Stories Share & Tell
  • Friends In Stitches Share & Tell
  • The Voice Referendum & Beyond Share & Tell
  • Ecumenical & Inter-faith Session Share & Tell
  • YM24 Share & Tell
  • Home Groups
  • Pastoral Care report
  • Children & JYFs
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YM24 Testimonies


These are the Testimonies to the Grace of God in QA Friends who have died in the past year. They will also be uploaded into DAQB in the usual manner.


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YM24 Letters of Greeting

Letters of Greeting

We have received the following Letters of Greeting from Quakers outside of Australia:

Greetings to QA from Aotearoa New Zealand for your 2024 YM




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