***YM22 Testimonies***

When a Friend dies, it is common to remember them at the Yearly Meeting following their death, by reading a Testimony written by the Friend's Regional Meeting. This usually happens at the start of a YM Formal Session.

In this year's online Yearly Meeting, we are conscious of keeping screen time at sensible levels. We have decided not to read Testimonies. They will all be published here, so they are available for individuals to read. 

Testimonies, Minutes of Record and Notices of Friends who have died since last Yearly Meeting are listed (alphabetically) by Regional Meeting.

(Note:  A Testimony may be listed here of a Friend who died just prior to YM21, and whose named may have been mentioned at YM21 but whose full entry was written after YM21. Also a Testimony may be listed if it was newly written, for a Friend who died in the recent past.)

Please note that there will be a Meeting for Worship for Remembrance at YM. It's on Wednesday morning at 10am AEST. This meeting will be focused on remembering our Friends who have died, especially in the most recent year.


Canberra and Region Quakers



Minutes of Record / Notices


New South Wales Regional Meeting



Minutes of Record / Notices



Queensland Regional Meeting



Minutes of Record / Notices



South Australia Northern Territory Regional Meeting



Minutes of Record / Notices



Tasmania Regional Meeting




Minutes of Record / Notices



Victoria Regional Meeting



Minutes of Record / Notices



West Australia Regional Meeting



Minutes of Record / Notices


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