Daily Notices

YM22 Survey/feedback is now waiting for you

We have prepared a survey about your experiences of YM22. We'd love everyone to fill it in. Please visit it here and take a few minutes to give us your responses. Please come back here after that.



Proposed statement to Federal Government

Following discussion at the QPLC Friendly School and contributions from a number of Friends, the draft statement is offered for YM consideration. This statement has been prepared on the basis that we feel Friends should be encouraging a more compassionate and fairer perspective by this new government as it develops its new policies and directions. Please read the draft here QPLC draft statement and send any comments to Harold Wilkinson. QPLC will finalise this statement and the Presiding Clerk will sign and send this to the Prime Minister immediately after Yearly Meeting.


Recordings of our key presentations now available

The presentations have  been and are being recorded. Both the videos and the text of these are available.

The Backhouse Lecture video is there, too. Find them via this page. 

Reports from YM22 activities (Friendly Schools, etc) are on the same page, as they become available.


Second draft epistle is available

The second draft of the epistle, and instructions for providing comments on the epistle, are available here


The Climate Emergency & Species Extinction Working Group has a Draft Public Statement

You are invited to read and offer comments. The Working Group will bring this to Formal Session 7 on Saturday 9 July. Find the draft public statement here


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