Quaker Peacebuilding resources


Friends Peace Teams 

Friends Peace Teams' Initiatives build on extensive Quaker experience combining practical and spiritual to create programs for peacebuilding, healing and reconciliation aspects of conflict resolution around the world.

Alternatives to Violence Project

Alternatives to Violence Project is a network of independent not-for-profit grass-roots volunteer groups offering experiential workshops on creative conflict transformation in prisons, schools, and the wider community

Quaker United Nations Offices (QUNO) 

QUNO is a Quaker presence at the United Nations, representing Friends' concerns for global peace and justice to the international community, with offices in Geneva and New York.

National Council of Churches in Australia

Australian Quakers are represented on the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) by our Presiding Clerk and others.

Quaker Speak videos

Quaker speak videos are available online at https://quakerspeak.com/. Here is a selection of videos that specifically address peace building work.

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